Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions Orthopaedic Surgeon

Regrowth of knee cartilage?

It seems to be controversial whether knee cartilage can regrow. One person told me that chronic dehydration makes synovial fluid dry out which leads to cartilage being worn down to reveal a bone-on-bone situation. An orthopedist told me that unless the symptoms outweigh the risk, I should not get a knee replacement. I have received great relief from Instaflex however the body needs at least 2 months to benefit consistently. The dehydration theory continues to haunt me. Is there any evidence of cartilage regrowth?

Female | 68 years old
Conditions: Arthritis, COPD, Hashimotos ,

2 Answers

Cartilage procedures like ACI work for traumatic cartilage damage like football or soccer injury. They don’t work arthritis. For end-stage arthritis it’s, knee replacement. Speak to your orthopedic doctor.
Cartilage can not regrow currently. Stem cells in the future might hold promise.