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Salt allergy?

I'm asking for our elderly father of 84 yrs. Lately, he has an issue with salt at the table...if the food is already seasoned, or if he adds his own (in moderation) he starts having a coughing fit, it subsides in few mins as the meal goes on. He is not one to take a lot of meds, but he does take vitamins and herbal-type supplements. This is something that has occurred for a few months now, we all have the same meals together, and I keep my eye on his salt intake at the table, and it is moderate to low.

Male | 84 years old
Complaint duration: 1 month
Medications: none
Conditions: none

1 Answer

This is not a sign of allergy. I would make sure he has plenty of liquids to drink with his meals but there is no indication for avoidance of salt or other spices.