Abdominal Surgeon Questions surgeon

Should I be concerned about my stomach pain?

Last night I started having pain in the middle of my stomach going upwards and I could feel the pain in the middle of my back as well. I vomited felt fine then I woke up and had pain in my back and middle of my stomach but nothing like the pain last night. Since 12 pm I've been fine with no issues I also have dark urine like a dark yellow. Should I be concerned? The ER out here is a 24 hour wait time.

Female | 28 years old
Complaint duration: 1 day
Medications: Citalopram
Conditions: Depression

7 Answers

It is hard to give you a diagnosis without examining you and getting more of a history. The top three things I would suspect would include: Gallbladder issues, gastric ulcers or severe reflux, or kidney stones. This is by far and away not the only thing it could be and my recommendation would be to go to the hospital even though the wait time is ridiculous. The other option is to see your primary care physician. They can order tests and potentially treat you without having to admit you. What you don't want to happen is for this to get worse, turn into a real medical emergency, and then deal with trying to be seen in a busy ER. Delay in treatment in any situation can be a life or death concern. Prioritize your health. Your body is telling you something isn't quite right. Praying for healing.
Concern for gall stone or pancreatitis. Needs to see a doc right away
Looks like you may have a gall bladder pathology. Seek appointment with a general surgeon. If symptoms recur visit an urgent care so they can work up your gall bladder with an ultrasound and lab work
Most likely a UTI (urinary tract infection). Please go to the nearest Urgent Care.
This doesn't sound particularly concerning. Pain has resolved. If it comes back then an urgent care or PCP office might be able to see you rather than going to the ER.
This could be a kidney stone and kidney failure. Visit urgent care or ER ASAP. Hydrate with about 2,000 ml with Plum Juice 1-1.5 liter and distilled water.
There are a number of things that could cause symptoms such as these including problems with your gallbladder, liver and/or pancreas. If you are feeling better, you probably do not need to go the emergency department but you should see your primary care doctor soon. If your symptoms worsen, you should go to the ED. Hope you feel better.

Dr. A