Hospitalist Questions Hematologist

Should I be concerned if my HB is 90 for a man?

I am a coeliac who recently had gastritis. I'm taking Lanzoprazole 30mgs OD. Last year's colonoscopy and GI scope were normal. I have resolved Barratts.

Male | 60 years old
Complaint duration: 2 months
Medications: Lanzoprazole
Conditions: coeliac, Barratts res

3 Answers

I am not familiar with a hemoglobin of 90. That would be extremely high, higher than I have ever seen. If your doctor feels that is a correct number, I would have her/him refer you to a hematologist.

BP questions are best addressed by a PCP or cardiologist rather than a GI specialist.
90 in the diastolic? You will need a complete exam and blood work with your physician, as well as repeat B/P to see if it is consistently high at 90