Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

Should I be worried about blood in stool?

Hi, I was in the emergency room on Saturday because I have been sick with a fever of over 102, diarrhea, cramping, vomiting, chills, aches, and sweats. They found out via CT scan that has Colitis and after doing stool testing, they found I had campylobacter bacteria in my system. They also did blood work, a Covid test, and a chest x-ray. Other than my lab work being a little off due to infection, everything else was normal.

At the time of being at the hospital, I hadn't noticed any blood in my stool. But now today, Monday, I have noticed a little bit. Should I be super concerned about that? Although my fever has broken and I am feeling a bit better, I'm still having diarrhea. Everything I looked up online says blood in the stool with these problems is normal but I would feel better asking. Has her medications they have me on azithromycin, something for nausea, and an IBS medication. Any help would be appreciated, thank you!

Female | 31 years old
Complaint duration: 1 day
Medications: L-Methylfolate, vitamin d, aviane birth control, Buspar, Pristiq, Albuterol, Symbicort, Klonopin as needed, azithromycin, dicyclomine, Seroquel
Conditions: Asthma, IBS, PTSD, Anxiety, Major Depressive Disorder, Obesity

1 Answer

The bleeding does not seem concerning considering you have an infectious colitis. As long as the diarrhea improves and the bleeding doesn't continue then you should recover fully, though having some residual IBS afterwards would also be expected.