Pulmonologist Questions Hospitalist

Should I go to the ER?

The pain started last night I think it's related to my asthma. I feel a very sharp and painful stabbing pain when I breathe on my left side of my back. I tried using my asthma pump and it hasn't relieved the pain. Now I'm hearing myself wheezing very loudly. What should I do? It really hurts and I'm gasping for air at some points.

Female | 37 years old
Complaint duration: Going on 2 days
Medications: Pump
Conditions: Asthma

1 Answer

Sharp pain like you are describing is not typical of asthma. You could be having something else going on that is making your asthma also worse. Sharp pain like you are describing could be due to pneumonia, particularly if you are having fever, cough and increased phlegm. Another condition that can cause pain like this is a blood clot and this can be dangerous. So yes, I would definitely recommend that you get evaluated in an emergency room.