Dentist Questions Dentist

Should partial dentures be kept in water?

I am a 50 year old female. I want to know if partial dentures should be kept in water?

6 Answers

Partial dentures should be kept in water or a denture solution overnight to help clean and keep them from dehydrating.
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No, not completely submerged but put the water in a baggie or tupperware airtight like container, shake it up and dump out the water. The remaining moisture will keep the acrylic on the partial from becoming brittle. Better yet put a little mouth wash in the water to help with disinfecting the partial.
Think of your appliance like a sponge. When it isn't in a moist environment it tends to dry out and actually shrink. Therefore you may notice that it fits tighter or not at all if left to dry out. Be sure to keep you appliance when you aren't wearing it in a denture approved soak to help curb bacteria growth and keep your appliance fresh and fitting as best as it can.
Not really as long as it's kept clean and in a container.