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Sickness from water?

I have an issue that every time I drink water (whether tap, Brita filtered, bottled, anything, etc.) I get super tired and very sick feeling. I use to try and deal but it just sucks and makes it where I end up going and drinking maybe a cup or two only in a day (not good I know). I have recently found, however, I am able to drink sparkling water with no additives purely just the water, just fine but it still bothers me why does water do this to me? is there an easy explanation?

Female | 24 years old

2 Answers

I have no explanation for your reaction to water. I guess I would use the sparkling water instead. Reasonable amounts of hot or iced tea or coffee might be tolerable and will help you maintain hydration.
This is not from drinking clean water, this is likely from something else. Visit your physician to discuss.