Dermatologist Questions Dermatologist

Spot on lower part of breast?

I noticed a small red spot on the bottom of my breast, last night I noticed it looks black and blue and raised in there isn't much pain just stings when I press on it.

Female | 29 years old
Complaint duration: 1.5 months
Medications: Effexor
Conditions: None

4 Answers

Appears to be a benign growth. Seek medical care if it changes.
Probably an infected or inflamed epidermal cyst, but definitely deserves a trip to your doctor.
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This could be a few things. The black and blue that you mention is a hard to notice in the photo. More than likely an inflamed hair follicle, but could be more serious. If it isn’t getting smaller over the course of a few days, you should see a doctor or directly to a board certified dermatologist.
Hope that helps!
There are no alternatives for this other than to seek a medical professional to make an in person evaluation. I would strongly urge you to do this soon.