Male | 67 years old
Conditions: Lung cancer/pnuemonia
3 Answers
Your concerns about the ingestion of steroids are very reasonable. However, this is a question that must be asked to the physician who is caring for your husband and who is prescribing the chemotherapy. I am not sure which chemotherapy is being prescribed, but it is very possible that the regimen contains a platinum compound. Combinations (more than one drug) often contain a platinum drug to treat this illness.
Most chemotherapies have side effects associated with them. Nausea and vomiting are among the most common side effects. It is necessary to give anti nausea medicine to allow the chemotherapy to be safely tolerated. Steroids, including prednisone, are among the most effective anti-nausea medications.
Steroids also have beneficial effects on lung function. I suspect that the prednisone, about which you are concerned, is being prescribed as part of the anti nausea medications being given with the chemotherapy.
My suggestion is that this question be asked to the prescribing physician. Until then, it is best to take the medication as prescribed.