Abdominal Surgeon Questions Abdominal Surgeon

Stomach issues?

I have IBS, gastritis, and a hernia but I still have trouble with constantly running to the bathroom as soon as I eat. It doesn’t matter if it’s a full meal or a snack.

Female | 50 years old
Complaint duration: 6 months
Medications: Nexium Benytal
Conditions: IBS hyena hernia gastritis

1 Answer

Having diarrhea after eating is called a gastro-colic reflex. When the stomach fills with food and/or liquid, the stretching of the stomach stimulates a contraction of the colon, producing a bowel movement which is often diarrheal. This is a normal reflex to a large extent but can be more prominent in people with IBS. You should be properly treated for IBS to help control that reflex and other IBS symptoms. Find a good GI doctor that will treat your IBS.