Neurologist Questions Pain

Thoracic Injury Body Pain?

In March of this year, I broke my thoracic 9, 10, and 11. I started getting better but now I think I’m getting worse. I keep getting pain in my ribs, knees, ankles, and wrists, and shoots of nerve tingles in my wrists and ankles/feet. I work a job where I stand and move all day so I’m unsure if it’s soreness from the job or there’s something wrong with my spine.

Male | 18 years old
Complaint duration: ~ 3 months
Medications: N/A
Conditions: N/A

1 Answer

If all the areas involved are from the same issue ( a thoracic spinal cord injury) then the wrists could not be involved. Only areas further down the body. Talking to your family doctor would be the next most reasonable option.