Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT)

Throat discomfort?

Feels dry and when I swallow I have cotton in my throat or something.

Female | 35 years old
Complaint duration: wyattborja777@gmail.com
Medications: wyattborja777@gmail.com
Conditions: wyattborja777@gmail.com

2 Answers

Many possibilities for this symptom… deserves an examination.

Dr. Nass
No pain? Probably irritation from acid reflux, dryness, localized pharyngeal neuritis, allergy. Advise no smoking, alcohol intake spicy foods for 1-3 weeks. Stop throat clearing if this is a habit. Treat allergy symptoms. Drink at least two quarts of clear fluids per day. if reflux, prilosec may help. can see ENT for endoscopy.