Dentist Questions tooth pain

Tooth pain/ache

I went to the dentist for the first time in two years this week, I went because I bit down on a piece of candy last week and my upper right lateral incisor /gum in between the K9 was Mildly in pain over the next few days. The dentist told me I had 6 cavities, all on my molars which are nowhere near the tooth in question. The dentist took an x-ray of the tooth and stated that there was nothing immediately apparent to him. The pain continued for a day after the dentist visit and now I get a strange feeling whenever I eat with the tooth or touch it. Whenever I rub floss against the tooth near the gum line it tends to hurt quite a bit. It isn’t necessarily very sensitive to cold or heat however it occasionally can be. I asked the dentist to review the x-ray again and again he said that there was nothing, the tooth is still bugging me but I don’t know if I should go in for this issue specifically as I lack dental insurance and don’t want to waste 150$ on an appointment where they won’t tell me anything. Should I go in for an examination or get a second opinion?

Male | 18 years old
Complaint duration: 7 days
Medications: None
Conditions: None

7 Answers

You could be experiencing temporary periodontal ligament pain in tooth due to parafunction at night meaning clenching. Also there could be a micro crack in the tooth called crack tooth syndrome
Get a second opinion. Many times teeth can develop fractures that are not easily detectable. It could also be due to a localized gum issue around one tooth. Regardless, a second opinion never hurts.
To start with as simple a fix as possible and work up from there, it is possible you bit down awkwardly on the tooth and bruised the ligament around it- it can take a couple weeks for the bruise and discomfort to go away. Try avoiding biting in that area, sticking to a little softer diet,
and taking ibuprofen/motrin/advil every 8hrs to relieve the discomfort. Keep the area very clean, brushing along the gumline gently and making sure there is no plaque accumulation along the gumline. Floss gently. After brushing and flossing, apply a small dab of sensitivity toothpaste (like sensodyne) along the gumline in that area and leave it (you can spit any excess out, but don't rinse) See if these tips relieve the sensitivity. If it sticks around or gets worse after 2weeks of this, you should seek another exam/second opinion. Don't neglect those other 6 cavities, even if they don't hurt you!
You need to see another Dentist, because the issue might be came from your Gum ,also you need to stop forcing the use of dental floss ,you don't need any injury to your Gum because it's not good for your oral health.
I would get a second opinion. The problem is probably not apparent on an X-ray
From what I understand, Since “2D” Xrays are now showing us the issue, I highly recommend a 3D (CBCT) image to rule out any fracture line Yes seek a second opinion.
Good morning!
You should definitely get a second opinion. I would take a 3D scan to check if there is a fracture, that didn’t show on the X-ray.

Hope you have a nice day, and Merry Christmas!

Dr. Carlos Pires