Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

Urgent diarrhea?

I had my gallbladder out 15 years ago and I have had digestive issues ever since. The bile from my liver releases into my stomach instead of my small intestine. In the last 6 months or so I have not had any formed stools, even taking Imodium quite frequently. I get a twinge/gurgle in the upper left abdomen and then I will have horrible diarrhea within 5 minutes. It has been floating and smells similar to burnt rubber and it won’t stop until it’s just yellow liquid, like stomach acid. When I had my tonsils out I couldn’t eat food for 9 days and it was similar to that color/consistency. I have also had bleeding for the last 4 weeks, bright red, so I wasn’t worried, but still not normal. I am at my wit's end trying to find the cause and have gone to a few gastroenterologists and ruled out chron’s, colitis, IBS, celiac, and I’ve done the elimination diets to find I can’t have dairy, but wasn’t able to pinpoint much else. I don’t have periods, so it’s not me mistaking this for cramps. The last GI I saw told me I would just need to deal with it and learn to handle my “female issues at that time of the month”. He also said if the bleeding was bright red it was nothing to worry about. I did not return to that office for further treatment. As it was clear he could care less about being helpful. This has become unmanageable and unpredictable as well, so any insights would be greatly appreciated.

Female | 40 years old
Complaint duration: 6 months
Medications: tekturna, bystolic, hydrochlorothiazide and nuvaring
Conditions: high blood pressure

4 Answers

This sounds like bile acid diarrhea. This is treated with cholestyramine, which a doctor can prescribe for you.
By the way, bile is not released into your stomach. It still goes into the duodenum like normal, but the difference is that without a gallbladder, the bile dumps continuously into the intestine (since there is no storage organ - the gallbladder - available anymore) and can produce diarrhea.

So sorry to hear about your complaints. One thing that’s coming to my mind is Dysfunction of sphincter of oddi. Look up your symptoms online and see if your symptoms criteria meet it. I would advise you to see a GYN to see where are you are bleeding from. It’s not clear from your description if you’re bleeding from rectum or female part. Could be from several causes; hemorrhoids could be one of them.

I share your concerns and worries. Your intestines are 'irritable' and 'inflamed.' Precisely why is essential to know. And planning remedies centers on the 'why.' Essential studies include:
gastric emptying study; intestinal capsule-scope study; intestinal transit study; CT enterography study; plasma Immunoglobulin IgA level; Immunoglobulin IgE level; colonoscopy if not done; Helicobacter pylori evaluation by Upper Endoscope with biopsy and by Urea Breath Test; serum gastrin level; serum lipase level; liver function tests; food allergy blood test profiles; and then pre-biotic and probiotic capsule intake daily; may need CDIFF test and treatment; may need intestinal antibiotic therapy with xifaxin; may benefit from dicyclomine; diet adjustments to eliminate fats and simple carbs essential also.

For starters, it would be helpful to find a GI doctor who takes your complaints seriously. Bright red blood coming from the colon is worrisome. Possibly diverticulitis, but usually that is a bleed that starts without warning. Lots of bright red blood loss. Then simply stops. Any bleeding from the GI tract requires thorough investigation. Your stomach and liver should be included in your work-up. If you are having trouble finding a GI doctor try Academic Medical Schools.