Dentist Questions Veneers

Veneers or invisalign?

My bottom teeth are very crooked. Is it worth it waiting for Invisalign, or would veneers help straighten out my crooked teeth? do veneers work if your teeth are crooked?

16 Answers

It depends on what is your goal.
Invisalign will straighten your teeth but will not change the color and shape of the teeth. And you will have to get post Invisalign treatments to make them whiter. If your goal is periodontal health then veneers/crowns will not help, Invisalign will be the best course of action.
Yes, it is worth the patience and the wait. To place veneers, often teeth have to be cut smaller. If your teeth are "crooked" some may need to be cut more than others, to start the straightening process. Do you really want that. I grant you, without actually seeing you it's hard to say much of anything, so I am assuming much here. However, first get a consultation from an orthodontist, or someone who does braces of different types, including Invisalign. Get the procedure, the time involved, the cost, and the expected results, and any negative side effects. Then get a dentist consult for veneers, asking the same questions. Then compare the two (or more) consultations. Good luck.
Thank you for your question. It really depends on the amount of crowding you have and how your teeth come together, but orthodontics (such as Invisalign) is most likely best and more conservative. If after the teeth are properly aligned and you still don't like the appearance of those teeth, you can also look into getting veneers.
Both work to cosmetically straighten teeth but braces are more conservative
Definitely do Invisalign. Your teeth will be healthy as will your gums. I had crooked teeth on the bottom, and I did Invisalign on myself. I'm very glad I did. Veneers will not solve any of your problems other than alter the shape, size and color of your teeth. Not the position.
porcelain veneers can straighten teeth up to a certain point of crookedness. If your teeth have mild to moderate crowding it works good but severe would be better to do invisalign. if your teeth color is acceptable and there are no chips it would be less expensive to just do invisalign and preserve the natural beauty of your teeth. especially if you're not doing the top veneers.
Hope that helps.

Dr. Bruni
Invisalign would be the most cost effective way to straighten your teeth vs veneers. Both can improve the look of your teeth and correct the misalignment. There are a number of factors that would need to be considered before making a decision on which procedure would work best for you. I am an Invisalign Premier Dentist in Tampa General and Cosmetic Dentistry of Tampa and would be happy to provide you a consultation to discuss your options.
Invisalign can be an effective option to straighten crooked teeth. Veneers could work in some instances provided it is not very severe.
Always have braces as a first option! Invisalign isn’t always the best option. Regular braces can be more accurate in many cases
You have to see a Cosmetic Dentist that can guide you and gave you best advice?
You need to be evaluated to see if you are a candidate for Invisalign. Proper alignment of teeth makes it easier to clean your teeth, veneers would not solve alignment issues.
Invisalign would be the first option always.
Yes, both veneers and invisalign can work for crowding and minor tooth movements.

For larger realignment you may need traditional orthodontics. Really depends on the examination.
Hi. Best option for croocked teeth is Orthodontics (Either Invisalign or Braces). Veneers can also be used to correct croocked teeth.
Invisalign is definitely worth it!
It would be best to get your teeth aligned first into their ideal occlusion before considering veneers so less agressive preps can be performed to your teeth. You have options of resin veneers or porcelain veneers after the teeth are aligned.