Gastroenterologist Questions Gerd

Weird Stool Symptoms

First, I suffer from GERD. Have been on Nexium since 2000, take 3 or 4 Tums before laying down each night just to be safe and the condition is SO MUCH better than it had been. Was on Reglan, but doctor discontinued that back in March due to a "quiet small intestine". I went to urgent care in March due to light color in my stools. I'll go 2 or 3 weeks with very light beige color, then will go a week or so with what I consider normal or darker stools before the cycle repeats (I actually had a stool last week that I'd call gray in color, but Christmas week a stomach flu worked its way through my family, so I don't know if that was a result of the illness). My yearly blood panel this fall showed good liver numbers, though 2 years ago my bile count was high but it returned to normal this fall. I recently had an ultrasound on my gallbladder, liver and pancreas and, except for a fatty liver (16.5cm), everything checked out okay. Due to my GERD, I've had several endoscopies over the last decade including this past summer and, except for what he described as skin-tag-like growths in my stomach which can be a result of acid pump prohibitors, everything looked good (I had a benign polyp removed from my stomach during my first endoscopy 9 or 10 years ago). My first colonoscopy in summer 2021 looked great and I was advised I didn't need another one for a decade. I also have a dull ache under my lower right rib cage often which I used to think was just gas, but now I'm not so certain. Urgent care doctor also told me last month that the sphincter that leads from the small intestine to the large intestine is irritated (it is sore down there). I have little problem having bowel movements, but often feel little relief even after passing a significant amount of waste (my stomach did actually feel good after two days with the stomach flu during Christmas weekend). With all my tests coming back with no issues, how concerned should I be over the light color of my stool and is there any other test or concern I should have or discuss with my doctor? Thank you in advance for your response and advice.

Male | 51 years old
Complaint duration: 10 months
Medications: Nexium, Tums, atenolol
Conditions: GERD, hiatal hernia

2 Answers

Hello, Thank you for explaining all of this. I would like you to make an appointment so that we can discuss next steps.
Light colored stools are not a reason for concern.
The sphincter that you mentioned, called the ileocecal valve, does not get irritated. Maybe the doctor meant that he thought you have irritable bowel syndrome. See a GI doctor if you wish to make a formal diagnosis of irritable bowel.