Doctor Questions Doctor

Weird pain?

I have pain in my upper and lower abdomen on the right side the pain is dull it feels like a bruise but there isn’t one. When pain comes briefly for a sec it’s sharp it doesn’t come often it hurts when pressed but dose t limit me doing things the pain is tolerable I’m just worried it’s something.

Female | 21 years old
Complaint duration: 3 days

2 Answers


Abdominal pains such as you describe may be associated with external or internal abdominal causes. Remember to divide the abdominal wall structures on the outside into the skin, fascia, muscles, ribs, etc. They can very from abdominal stitches (cramps), exercise or activity related, strains, post-traumatic, or structural. Inside structures on the right include the liver, gallbladder, kidney, intestine, appendix, and in females the right ovary and fallopian tube. It is important to know if the pain is superficial or deep. Also, is the pain associated with eating and if so, what type of foods. A physical exam, history and diagnostic tests should be performed by your physician. As in any medical evaluation, it is important to consider each patients findings.

S: subjective history
O: objective history
A: assessment by physician
P: plan by the physician

Contact your primary care provider for your appointment and initiate your medical evaluation.
Could be gallstone