“What are the benefits of coming off antidepressants?”
I want to stop taking antidepressants. What are the benefits of coming off antidepressants?
2 Answers
Deciding to taper off antidepressants would give you some idea of what the effects of medication has been doing. If you have had side effects from the antidepressant, those side effects would diminish.
All medicines have side-effects. There are both common side-effects and those which can be unique to the individual taking the medication. If One has been taking anti-depressants, two of the most important considerations are for how long and at what dose? In most cases, the longer the time interval and the higher the dose the more time it takes to diminish the dose over a period of time with the help of the prescriber. Within our own neurochemistry there are naturally occurring agents designed to help fight anxiety and depression. When these agents are overwhelmed prescriptive medicines help to fight psychiatric symptoms. Our natural neurochemistry designed to fight anxiety and depression can become sluggish while we take the medicines prescribed. As we lesson the dose of prescriptive medicines the intent is to re-awaken our natural brain chemistrys ability to take on depression. The benefits of eventually eliminating an anti-depressant usually have a direct impact on side-effects including enhancing libido, making sleep more restorative and re-setting appetite since weight gain can become a problem while taking antidepressants. Reducing the dose and eliminating the antidepressant should only be completed with the help of the prescribing physician.