Pulmonologist Questions Pulmonologist

What are the key risk factors for COPD?

What are the key risk factors for COPD? What are the key features of COPD in terms of aetiology diagnosis and disease management? Can you also describe how the concept and definitions of health would link with the various stages in the progression of this chronic disease?

Female | 26 years old

1 Answer

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease evolves from inhaled irritants. The irritants provoke bronchial mucus secretion and bronchial cellular thickening. Then chronic bronchitis becomes established with tightness and narrowing of pulmonary bronchi and branch bronchioles. Inhaled airflow is thereby constricted. Air trapping may occur in alveoli. The common irritants are tobacco smoke, factory fumes and dust, coal mine dust, and mold allergens. Exposure and inhalation over extended periods of time are variables. And an individual’s response will vary from person to person depending upon intensity and repetition.
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