Dental Hygienist Questions Dentist

What can I do to fix gingivitis?

I have gingivitis. What can I do to fix gingivitis?

4 Answers

Luckily for you, gingivitis is one of the things in dentistry we can cure/reverse without long lasting damage to the bone around the teeth and the teeth themselves. The basic answer is frequent cleanings at the dentist (just for a little while to make sure youre not missing anything with home care). I would say do 3 or 4 month cleanings for a year or so. Ultimately, good home care is the key to getting rid of gingivitis. I would recommend a good electric tooth brush x2/day (oral B or sonicare are great - need to use it correctly though - watch YouTube or ask your dentist/hygienist), flossing 2x/day, a waterpik is not a bad idea, and a good mouth rinse 1 or 2 times per day. Thats a great place to start! But seeing a good hygienist to help show you where youre missing is also important. Hope that helps! Dr. Matt Nordlie
Most people have a mild form of gingivitis. Coming in for regular cleanings at your dentist office will help along with great oral hygiene practices at home.
Excellent question. Usually the best advice I give people is to get an electric brush and take your time brushing at the gumline. Use a method that avoid missing any areas. You may also be a mouth breather, and the dry air will cause your gums to be quite inflamed. If you are a mouth breather, you should come see me because we should not be breathing through our mouth. Dry mouth issues will also contribute to gum problems and you should be using a salivary substitute. I hope that helps! Your BreatheSleepDoc, Simi Silver, DDS
Gingivitis is inflammation of the gums. A thorough cleaning by your dentist or hygienist followed by frequent good brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash should solve the problem. If not treated, the gingivitis will progress to periodontal disease which is more difficult to treat.