Dentist Questions Dentist

ā€œWhat can I eat with dry socket?ā€

I was diagnosed with a dry socket. What can I eat with dry socket?

6 Answers

Eat Softer foods and ice cream, yogurt etc. avoid excessive heat, straws, carbonation or alcohol
By all means you have to eat to keep your strenght up!
Avoid spicy or foods that would get stuck in the hole and irritate like corn. Avoid mouthwash and strong alcohols, smoking. Avoid corn chips, hot peppers. Try mild foods for the first two weeks to 2 months like Mac and cheese, oat meal, scrambled eggs, meat loaf, stews, soups, etc.
Avoid hard and crunchy food on that side until it heals. That also includes nuts. It's just better not to stress the area too much while it's healing. so avoid anything excessively hot or spicy. Some people are irritated by excessive cold- use your judgement. Rinse well after eating and follow your dentist's instructions.

Dr. Conrad
Anything you want, but Iā€™d avoid crunchy stuff.

Dr Jensen
There is no specific diet. Dry socket is extremely painful, so I would recommend sticking to a soft food diet just to minimize the movement of your mouth. Items like mashed potatoes and soup are a good go to.