Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

What can you give a child for an eye infection?

My daughter has an eye infection. What can you give a child for an eye infection?

5 Answers

The child needs to be examined to determine this.
It really depends on the type of infection, is it viral or bacterial? Is it really an infection or inflammation due to allergy. Unfortunately there is no good answer without being examined. It=E2=80=99s always safe to use a non preserved lubricating drop, to help wash things out, and hydrate the tissue, but it is unlikely to cure it on its own. Best bet is to be seen by an eye doctor
I have to advise you that if you think this is an infection, please confirm this with your pediatrician or an eye doctor. If there is a red eye present, this definitely can be an infection, a conjunctivitis, a scratched cornea, a foreign body in the eye, a developing stye, a turned eyelash rubbing the eye, or a variety of other possible problems. Sometimes a red eye is an indication that there is something else occurring within the eye. And if there is a conjunctivitis present, the treatments for bacterial, viral, or allergic conjunctivitis are different. If there is some bacterial infection, you will need an antibiotic prescribed by a medical professional once it is determined that this is actually the problem. So, please make an appointment with your medical professional so that your daughter will receive the appropriate diagnosis and the necessary medical treatment. Good luck and best wishes.
Depends on the diagnosis. A complete ophthalmologic exam should be performed.
Depends. Usually an antibiotic and steroid.