“What causes knee joint pain?”
I have had knee joint pain already for 3 days. What causes knee joint pain?
3 Answers
Knee pain can be multifactorial. It depends on Age. Younger have usually activity-related pain from sprain or overuse like running, or gym exercises or injury. Elderly patients have usually wear and tear, arthritis, meniscus or cartilage issues. H/o injury, h/o inflammatory conditions like Rheumatoid . Please see your doctor for evaluation.
There are a million things that can cause knee "joint" pain ; I am an orthopaedic surgeon and in order to suggest a treatment to get rid of your pain , you will have to give me alot more information. Like what is your age, what do you do on a regular basis, are you athletic (or were you as a younger person and maybe had an old injury ); Did you have a fall or were you kneeling at home cleaning, etc . -or do you have a muscular job and maybe you twisted your knee while at work, etc. Your age;? weight ? activity level ? history of recent overuse or fall/injury? history of arthritis in your family? Have you seen your family doctor about this ? Have you tried any over the counter meds like Advil or Tylenol or even Arnica gel ? You send me more info and I can tell you what will work!
How do you know it is coming from the joint and not soft tissues? You should schedule an appointment with your provider for a physical examination and potentially radiographs if it is not improving. In the meantime, rest and take anti-inflammatories/tylenol if you don't have any contraindications to those medications.