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What could this stuff eating away at my dads legs be?

My dad has had what I believe started out as a really bad staph or MRSA infection that has now turned into necrofasciitis (sp?) or possibly even gangrene. I have no idea how it started, but it has now been over a year and he still refuses to seek medical attention. Multiple people who come in contact with him have ended up with staph abscesses.

He is in complete denial that there is any kind of infection, even though the smell is almost unbearable to anyone near him, and it’s very clear that the smell is rotting flesh. But any time anyone tries to speak their concerns, he says that actually, his skin is just really dry and cracking and that the obvious PUS AND BLOOD oozing from these gigantic sores is just water. I’m at my wit's end and so scared for my dad, so I’m trying to get an opinion of a doctor from a pic I took of his leg today so that maybe he will see what they say and start taking this seriously.

Male | 46 years old
Complaint duration: 0/6 months/1 year

1 Answer

I think your father needs to be seen by a doctor and if he is mentally impaired and not competent to make decisions, that you or someone else with his best interest at heart, be appointed his legal guardian
Not easy and he will not be happy but he will be better

G dickinson
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