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What does it mean if you had a period and 2 days later bleeding again?

I want to know what does it mean if you had a period and 2 days later bleeding again? I have Crohn's disease.

Female | 47 years old

3 Answers

Nothing to do with Crohn’s disease unless you are on steroids for it. See your gyn
This pattern likely is a result of menopausal associated hormone pattern changes. A second possibility is an endometrial cellular change with delayed response to hormone declines. It is important to report this to your gynecologist.

The first thing that I would ask is how long was your period? Second would be is it of normal flow less or more? Third would be did you experience any differences or discomfort during that period? Fourth would be the number of pads that you normally use versus this particular time that they change more less or the same? And then I would ask when you started to re-bleed what was it like was it clots was it clods, was it blood fresh coagulated? A series of other questions need to be answered in order to give you a real valid legitimate answer. Your best bet is to go to your gynecologist and speak with he or she about your symptoms and what transpired and see if there’s any clinical significance to that. The other thing that I would ask is were you sexually active and this could potentially have been body induced abortion. Hcg test would rule out the last. God bless and I hope I was of service.

Be well
Brent Reinheimer, MD