Dental Hygienist Questions Periodontist

What helps gum swelling?

My gums are swollen. What helps gum swelling?

4 Answers

You need periodontal therapy if you can call in on tuesday at 6102536197 we can get you schedule and I can examine thanks
A cleaning and evaluation. Rinse with warm salt water
Thank you for the question.

Visit to a periodontist who will properly diagnose and treat the condition behind the gum swelling. You might need to be referred to another specialist or primary care physician for a diagnosis and treatment.
Gums can swell when there is a lot of plaque and bacteria present, when one os pregnant, or while taking certain medications. In most cases, it has to done with not having had a professional cleaning done in a while, not flossing, not brushing properly (correctly and for a sufficient amount of time), and having braces close to your gums. You should be under a care of a dentist to determine the root cause in your case.