Doctor Questions Doctor

What is causing me to feel terrible?

For the past 3 weeks, I’ve been having indigestion, and acid reflux. The past week I’ve been having constant headaches and feeling really bad. I took a steroid shot about 2 weeks ago and I'm on blood pressure meds and taking hair vitamins and now fish oil for my popping knees. My knees also started popping about a month ago out of the blue.

Female | 47 years old
Complaint duration: 10
Medications: Lisinopril, blood builder, omega 3, hair vitamins
Conditions: High blood pressure

2 Answers

I doubt you have a primat neurological problem.
Check the vitamins and supplements you are taking. If you are taking too much of the fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K), that might be the culprit. There may be other supplements (blood builder) that may cause the same. If that doesn't solve the issue, call your Dr. for a visit to evaluate your problems.

Dr. F