“What is the best chiropractic technique?”
I am a 16 year old male. I want to know what is the best chiropractic technique?
6 Answers
Fact: A variety of techniques that improve spinal function and in turn significantly improve your life. I personally have an arsenal of about 15 various technique's that I use "As needed for specific problems". Chiropractic is n science and an art. I prefer to use my ways...It may involve a towel and traction adjustment, standing on my table to adjust a rib out of place, sternochondrtis, in the front, and adjust the rib in the front by giving a so-called Bear Hug Lift. May sound barbaric, but it works great! I retract my original amount to about 25 different techniques. God Bless, Dr. Richard Feher, D.C
There are many different techniques that chiropractors use depending on their proficiency. The techniques range from non-force to light force and more moderate force. There is no BEST technique. Rather, the one that is most appropriate for you is the one that gives the best results and you are comfortable with. All the techniques are safe and effective.
It is not the technique, it is the Doctor of Chiropractic doing the technique that you need to concern yourself with. I did a research paper on inter observer and Intra observer reliability of palpation for treatment. There is no correlation Chiropractic treatment is a science and art. Therefore it is the person doing the treatment that is important.
There are many chiropractic techniques. There is no best technique, there is only the best technique for that person.
There are a great number of techniques to choose from. Talk to your local Chiropractor and see what fits your needs for the best possible outcomes.
Many patients and practitioners have their preferences. My personal preference is SOT (Sacro-Occipital Technique) as it provides a full system for adjusting the spine, cranium, extremities, and even organs if necessary. To me it is the only complete body technique that is widely researched and based in evidence.