“What is the best exercise if you have bad knees?”
I am a 73 year old female. I want to know what is the best exercise if you have bad knees?
5 Answers
Low impact exercise is often the best, such as biking, yoga or walking in the pool.
William Muñoz III, M.D.
William Muñoz III, M.D.
The question is far too broad. It is a bit like asking what is the best car. Sometimes, people need a pick up truck, sometimes, they need a “soft ride” etc. The “best” exercise depends on the problem that is causing the pain. See your orthopedic surgeon about this.
Adam I. Harris, M.D.
Adam I. Harris, M.D.
Non weight bearing exercise is best. Swimming is best followed by bicycling or elliptical machines. Avoid squats or deep knee bends. Walking on level ground is good, if your knees can tolerate it.
Hope it helps!!
Dr. Bose
Hope it helps!!
Dr. Bose
If you have "bad knees", you should avoid any impact activities and stick to non-impact like a stationary bike or an elliptical trainer or swimming for aerobic activity. However, it has been my experience that people with "bad knees" often have other reasons for their knee pain. I would strongly recommend seeing an orthopaedic surgeon for a full evaluation before starting on any exercise regimen.
Well, it depends on what you are doing. Walking is the best thing on soft surfaces. The local high school track is normally available Walking in a pool is also very effective. The best thing is to be evaluated by an orthopedic surgeon so that together you can come up a plan to help improve bad knees. Even weight loss of five pounds can make a difference on how your knees feel.
Best of luck,
Robert D. Swift, DO, FAOAO
Best of luck,
Robert D. Swift, DO, FAOAO