“What is the best home remedy for stomach pain?”
I have stomach pain. What is the best home remedy for stomach pain?
2 Answers
Best home remedies for stomach pain are apple cider vinegar, ginger, peppermint tea, lemon water, baking soda, BRAT diet, and camomile tea.
Thank you for the question. Ginger as a member of that plant family and has so many wonderful health benefits has been proven to be effective in treating nausea and vomiting. There is tons of research that shows how effective Ginger is in treating stomach upset. PubMed is a great research database where you can see the latest research. In addition to this I would recommend looking at some lifestyle changes to see if there is something you may be consuming that could be causing the upset stomach. Please, always seek the services of your primary health provider to ensure that there isn't anything going on that is needing further investigation or to ensure that this herb won't interact with other medications you may be taking. Be Well, Jacquelyn Berger, RN, CFNMP