Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

What is the best treatment for a herniated disc?

I was diagnosed with a herniated disc. Is it serious? What is the best treatment for a herniated disc?

4 Answers

Decompression therapy .. back exercises.. core exercises..
A proper Chiropractic examination will be needed to determine if you condition could or not improve with the different techniques that we offered.
There are 5 levels of seriousness to herniated disc's based on specific MRI findings. Treatment starts with Inversion therapy then Swiss ball extension exercise, Chiropractic, then surgery as a last resort.
From my experience the best way for a chiropractor to treat a herniated disc is with a non-surgical spinal decompression machine. I have DRX9000 tables in my office and have successfully reduced severe disc herniations after a series of approximately 24 procedures. Herniated discs range in severity depending on many factors. More importantly is whether or not the disc herniating is affecting the spinal nerve roots. If there is compression of the spinal nerve root and or spinal cord it could lead to a potentially dangerous situation, not necessarily life threatening however nerves may become damaged.