Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions Orthopedist

What is the treatment for broken foot toe?

I broke my foot toe. What is the treatment for broken foot toe?

11 Answers

Most toe fractures do not need surgery and heal on their own. Though an x-ray and reviewed by an expert may be needed to determine the absolute treatment plan. The metatarsal's are more likely to be requiring surgery than the toe bones.
It really depends on the type of fracture. I will usually buddy splint the fractured toe next to the adjacent toe and require the patient to wear a protective shoe until the fracture has healed completely. Therefore, I will request some follow-up x-rays to be taken to assess the healing process of the fracture. It usually takes approximately 6 to 8 weeks of healing time of the fracture site, or for the development of a primary bone callus at the fracture site that is consistent with the healing process.
After an x-ray evaluation from a foot specialist, the proper offloading course can be prescribed. If there is any displacement or dislocation sometimes a close reduction or an open reduction with internal fixation may be indicated.
If the bones are not separated, then splinting the toe to its neighbor for 6 weeks is the treatment. If the x-rays show that the bones are separated and not well aligned, then surgical correction to reset them is recommended.
First toe needs more caution and time to heal. 2-3-4-5 less important.
Usually a buddy splint (the longest toe to the broken one taped together. Wear oversized shoes with toe box room.
Reduce your activity and the intensity of your movement for 3-4 weeks.
See a professional quickly if home care has not reduced pain and swelling.
Depends which toe and what type of fracture it is.
Always best to be evaluated and treated.
Hi! You need an x ray to see the type of fracture. Typically taping the toe for 6-8 weeks and walking in a surgical shoe. I would recommend an evaluation by a podiatrist.
Hello, Thank you for your question. We you have to evaluate you and take foot x-rays if needed. Please call our office 973-817-9577 or on our portal drtotten.com for an appointment.
Thank you
Depends on the type of break and location. Treatments start after exam and X-rays.
Usually RICE therapy is used to treat a toe fracture. It is rare that they need surgery. But if the fracture is intra-articular, and depending on which bone is fractured, sometimes you require surgery
Begin with rest ice and elevation. I recommend you schedule an appointment with a foot and ankle surgeon (podiatrist) for diagnosis and treatment options