“What kind of anesthesia is used for varicose vein treatment?”
I will have varicose vein surgery. What kind of anesthesia is used for varicose vein treatment?
4 Answers
Venous ablation is performed with local anesthesia in the office. Injection of veins (sclerotherapy) is performed without local anesthesia in the office.
It”ll depends on the surgery center; most out patient vein centers do varicose vein procedures under moderate sedation and local anesthesia, recommend discussing with your provider. In hospital based vein procedures: general anesthesia often used.
Umashankar Ballehaninna
Umashankar Ballehaninna
For almost all venous procedures only local anesthesia is needed. In the past these procedures would be done under spinal or even general anesthesia but now these procedures are done in outpatient clinics under local anesthesia. Every once on a while for very anxious patients an oral sedative may be prescribed. In this situation the patient has to have a friend or family member drive them to and from the clinic.
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