Dr. Umashankar K. Ballehaninna
Vascular Surgeon | Vascular Surgery
Dr. Umashankar Ballehaninna is a vascular surgeon practicing in SAYRE, PA. Dr. Ballehaninna specializes in disorders relating to the arterial, venous and lymphatic systems. As a vascular surgeon, Dr. Ballehaninna diagnoses and treats vascular diseases and performs vascular surgeries. Common conditions that a vascular surgeon treats are aneurysms, atherosclerosis and varicose veins. Vascular specialists might also treat trauma, venous ulcers, poor leg circulation, peripheral arterial disease and other vascular-related issues. Expert in trans-carotid revascularization and carotid stent placement (TCAR), Guthrie Clinic, Robert Packer Hospital is now the regional Excellence center for TCAR.
11 years
Dr. Umashankar K. Ballehaninna
- Ithaca, NY
- Maimonides Medical Center, NY
- Accepting new patients
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What anesthesia is used for vein surgery?
It will depend upon the practice setup. A lot of vein centers and outpatient clinics perform vein procedures under some form of sedation (called conscious sedation), local anesthetic READ MORE
It will depend upon the practice setup. A lot of vein centers and outpatient clinics perform vein procedures under some form of sedation (called conscious sedation), local anesthetic injection at the site of the procedure, and some intravenous pain meds administered by a nurse who watches and monitors while the procedure is done. In hospital-based practice anesthesiologist will see the patient and determine the right anesthesia which could range from simple sedation to complete general anesthesia. Good luck with your procedure!
Umashankar Ballehaninna
Umashankar Ballehaninna
Do you get a general anesthetic for varicose veins?
Please, refer to previous answers to the same question. In most places local and sedation some hospitals use general anesthesia.
Is local anesthesia used for varicose vein surgery?
Yes depends on patients health status and pain tolerance. Browse answers to similar questions on this website. Most patients a combination of local anesthesia and IV sedatives/pain READ MORE
Yes depends on patients health status and pain tolerance. Browse answers to similar questions on this website. Most patients a combination of local anesthesia and IV sedatives/pain meds.
Umashankar Ballehaninna
Umashankar Ballehaninna
What kind of anesthesia is used for varicose vein treatment?
It”ll depends on the surgery center; most out patient vein centers do varicose vein procedures under moderate sedation and local anesthesia, recommend discussing with your provider. READ MORE
It”ll depends on the surgery center; most out patient vein centers do varicose vein procedures under moderate sedation and local anesthesia, recommend discussing with your provider. In hospital based vein procedures: general anesthesia often used.
Umashankar Ballehaninna
Umashankar Ballehaninna
Is general anesthesia used for vein ablation?
Yes, general anesthesia could be used depending on the practice setup. Most vein procedures are performed under monitored sedation but in certain instances and in hospital-based READ MORE
Yes, general anesthesia could be used depending on the practice setup. Most vein procedures are performed under monitored sedation but in certain instances and in hospital-based practice or ambulatory surgery centers general anesthesia is fairly commonly used.
Can X-ray show varicose veins?
It could in a older person with calcified varicose veins but that information is not very useful or informative. Physical exam by your health provider can detect it often and Ultrasound READ MORE
It could in a older person with calcified varicose veins but that information is not very useful or informative. Physical exam by your health provider can detect it often and Ultrasound is a better test with excellent information useful for diagnosis and management of varicose veins.
Umashankar Ballehaninna
Umashankar Ballehaninna
How long does it take for varicose veins to disappear after ablation?
This answer corresponds to ablation of long or short saphenous vein; ablation of these vein addresses underlying causes of the varicose veins i.e. venous reflux or venous incompetence. READ MORE
This answer corresponds to ablation of long or short saphenous vein; ablation of these vein addresses underlying causes of the varicose veins i.e. venous reflux or venous incompetence. Following ablation, varicose veins usually get smaller and leg likely to become less symptomatic. However, varicose veins will remain in the leg in some occasion may be unchanged if they are connected to leaking perforating veins. To make varicose veins disappear stab phlebectomy is recommended. Following stab phlebectomy where in surgeon physically remove the varicose veins; those veins will disappear and most of the times in 2-3 months post procedure, cosmetically appear much improved in terms of appearance.
Good luck!
Umashankar Ballehaninna MD
Good luck!
Umashankar Ballehaninna MD
What can go wrong with radiofrequency ablation?
96%-98% of the time, radio frequency ablation is safe without any complications. Around 2%-5% may have some complications such as deep vein thrombosis (blood clot), skin damage READ MORE
96%-98% of the time, radio frequency ablation is safe without any complications. Around 2%-5% may have some complications such as deep vein thrombosis (blood clot), skin damage like burn from inside, rarely infection and very rare injuries to other structures such as nerves or arteries. Overall, very safe procedure.
Good luck!
Umashankar Ballehaninna
Good luck!
Umashankar Ballehaninna
What is the best treatment for varicose veins?
It’ll depend on the results of leg ultrasound report and the duration and nature of your symptoms. Typically most common variety of varicose vein associated with long saphenous READ MORE
It’ll depend on the results of leg ultrasound report and the duration and nature of your symptoms. Typically most common variety of varicose vein associated with long saphenous vein incompetence a trial of compression stockings is initiated. Afterwards vein closure with or without stab phlebectomy is recommended for majority of the varicose vein patients. Life style changes such as limb elevation at rest, weight loss and exercises are also helpful.
So best result would be a combination of above.
Best regards,
Umashankar Ballehaninna
So best result would be a combination of above.
Best regards,
Umashankar Ballehaninna
Has anyone fully recovered from a stroke?
Patients with a transient form of stroke called Transient ischemic attacks (TIA), wherein stroke lasts less than 24 hours, do have complete recovery. In a major stroke lasting READ MORE
Patients with a transient form of stroke called Transient ischemic attacks (TIA), wherein stroke lasts less than 24 hours, do have complete recovery. In a major stroke lasting 24 hours or more, recovery is unpredictable. Depending on the location and the severity of the stroke, patients may or may not have a complete recovery. A lot is dependent on the adequate rehabilitation and efforts to prevent a new stroke. Carotid artery atherosclerosis is one of the common preventable causes of stroke.
Aorta questions?
Ascending aortic dissection would require surgery usually in an emergent fashion due to the very close proximity of the dissection to the very important blood vessels such as arteries READ MORE
Ascending aortic dissection would require surgery usually in an emergent fashion due to the very close proximity of the dissection to the very important blood vessels such as arteries to heart itself (coronary arteries) and arteries going into the brain (carotid and vertebral arteries). Dissection causing blockage of these arteries would lead to massive heart attack or stroke, also ascending aortic aneurysms are more prone to rupturing into the sac outside the heart called pericardium which can lead to compression of heart and death, these circumstances warrant that ascending aortic aneurysm to be fixed emergently. Sometimes descending aortic dissection could affect arteries in the gut or kidneys or legs, in these circumstances it needs to be addressed immediately, however vast majority of descending aortic dissections do not affect those arteries, so they can be managed with good control of blood pressure that would allow for healing of the dissection or prevent getting worse. Good luck with your school project!
What precautions should be taken after a stent procedure?
In general avoid heavy lifting (> 10 lbs), strenuous exercises at least for 2 weeks following stent placement (sometimes longer with a larger stents such as aortic aneurysm repair). READ MORE
In general avoid heavy lifting (> 10 lbs), strenuous exercises at least for 2 weeks following stent placement (sometimes longer with a larger stents such as aortic aneurysm repair). Maintain healthy diet, routine wound care like wash with soap and water and keep it dry. Things to look for; area of arterial access getting firm, hard, increasing redness, increasing pain and any wound discharge, in these circumstances contact your doctor.