“What massage therapy is best for shoulder pain?”
I am a 37 year old male. I want to know what massage therapy is best for shoulder pain?
10 Answers
Active release therapy or deep tissue or cupping or Graston
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That depends on the underlying problem of your shoulder pain. Is it the muscle, joint, nerves, gallbladder, liver? The reason for the pain should be investigated before any treatment is decided on. Please visit your health care provider for a good history and examination to find out what the problem is.
I am a NAP-PRUH-Path and can only speak of evaluation of muscles, ligaments, and other connective tissue structures that may cause irritation to the bursa or interfere with nerve pathways causing pain or disability. Naprapths are connective tissue specialists. Any discipline that uses specific palpation evaluation, orthopedic testing, neurological assessment, and radiographic testing can better treat shoulder pain and disability. Although, it depends on the magnitude of ther problem.
There is no specific massage therapy that is best for shoulder pain. Massage therapists are trained and licensed so they know how to apply the appropriate pressure to muscles when massaging. Finding the massage therapy that works for you is really the key
Depends on what your shoulder pain is... If rotator cuff injury, then light relaxation massage is in order, as long as there are no torn ligaments. If you have bone spurs causing your range of motion to be limited, then massage won't help at all. On the other hand, if you have shoulder impingement syndrome, where one or both shoulders don't move as far as they used to, or you can't get your hand to the small of your back, deep tissue massage may be in order. Have your chiropractor examine your shoulders for the cause of your discomfort, then recommend a course of care and massage if warranted.
A therapist can help if the problem is muscular, your CHIRO can differential diagnose this. Otherwise, you will need a chiropractor to see if your shoulder(s) are out of alignment.
Usually I would recommend sports massage, but it totally depends on the type of pain, and what part of the shoulder is hurting. A practitioner should be able to consult with you at the beginning of a session to determine the best techniques for your body.