Psychologist | Psychotherapy Questions Psychiatrist

What mental condition do I have?

I feel restless, my mind is everywhere up and down. I have mood swings, an overwhelming depression, reliving past events over and over that were super painful to me. I'm feeling like I can't get it right. I mess up and forget things. I can't remember important things sometimes. I'm not feeling like myself. I clean a lot of my house other houses. I can't help myself. I have distanced myself from family and friends, shut people out. I'm very mean at times then nice. I have no love and can be cold to people. They are some of my issues, and there new to me it's so far from the way I know my self and others.

Female | 36 years old
Conditions: Nope

4 Answers

Thank you for reaching out to gain an understanding of what you are experiencing. Unfortunately, I do not diagnose in this manner. Many conditions come to mind as I read about the shifts in your mood, sleeplessness, depression, and what sounds like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). I wonder what might be the deep-rooted issues that are causing your symptoms and why you distance yourself from others. I encourage you to seek counseling very soon with a therapist who can help you understand more about yourself and your strengths to overcome these issues, develop coping skills to alleviate the symptoms, and prevent them from reoccurring.
Not for sure but check out bipolar and ADHD complex. See these links:
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There are many possible diagnoses - it’s good that you don’t have any other conditions whose medications might confuse the situation! Because of the range of possibilities, including hormones, thyroid, mental health conditions, etc., I would suggest you have an evaluation with a more general consultant who can begin to narrow down the areas to be considered. The good news is that there IS/ARE answers, and when you get them, treatments will help, especially since you are motivated!
Good luck.


Dr. Marian Shapiro
It's more advisable to see a local mental health professional to best determine a good working diagnosis. Your conditions appear to suggest you may have some symptoms of PTSD. I suggest you meet with a mental health professional at your earliest convenience.