Acupuncturist Questions Acupuncturist

What pressure point relieves ankle pain?

I am a 41 year old male. I want to know what pressure point relieves ankle pain?

15 Answers

Need to be seen since each ankle pain is of diff origin
To treat your ankle pain I suggest you find an experienced acupuncturist or. massage therapist
It depends on what is going on. I encourage you to book a session with your practitioner of choice to get help with relief.
It depends on where the pain is, inner or outer ankle or the front or back of the ankle…there are 6 meridians that run through each ankle.
Hegu, also labeled as Large Intestine 4, is a very good acupuncture point to stimulate for any pain in the body. Sometimes it helps to stimulate points around the ankle, often what other therapists will refer to as trigger points. But a true treatment & prognosis will depend on the diagnosis of what is causing the pain. Please see your primary care physician and discuss if
alternative medicine would be a great option.

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Acupressure Points For Feet (Foot & Ankle Pain Relief) – Smarter Healing -
It would depend on what points are tender. These are called ashi points in Chinese Medicine.
GB35, GB38, GB40
There unfortunately isn't one point for ankle pain. It will depend on the condition .
I recommend acupuncture school... master's degree program. You might learn one there. Good luck. But if you are looking to utilize this medicine to fix your pain, find a highly trained, master's degree possessing practitioner to work with you.
There is no individual pressure point to relieve shoulder pain. Acupuncture is a holistic medicine that looks at the whole body, and any individual pain in relation to the whole picture. The pressure points unique to your ankle pain would be different than those for someone else - it would take an appointment with a provider to diagnose you specifically and give you a plan.
I don't do acupressure, but there is no single acupuncture point for ankle pain.
There are several acupuncture points that can be used to treat ankle pain. To learn which are the most effective for you, I recommend you see your acupuncturist for guidance.
The points on the ankle or near the ankle can relieve ankle pain. For example, points ST 41, KI 3, 4, 5, 6, and GB 36, can relieve ankle pain.
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