“What pressure point relieves back pain?”
I have back pain and I want to relieve it naturally. What pressure point relieves back pain?
15 Answers
There are so many points for back pain that it is hard to relieve back pain with a single point. I suggest you see an acupuncturist who can help you out using the modalities of massage, acupuncture and maybe herbs.
There are a lot of points to help relieve back pain. The most common are local points, similar to when you have just bumped yourself & rub that area to feel better. Also because there is an upper, middle and lower back the pressure point may vary. The best relief for back pain is bloodletting! Bloodletting on an acupuncture point at the back of the leg, at the back of the knee or calf, is the acupuncturists’ hidden ace. Please do not attempt without professional supervision. Check with your primary care to see if alternative medicine would be a good choice for your condition.
If it’s acute injury, Presure Yao Tong Xue. If chronic lower back pain, UB 40( Wei Zhong)
Hu Gi Acuherbs
Hu Gi Acuherbs
It is very difficult to provide a point prescription without knowing the underlying condition of the back pain. Please, consult an acupuncturist that can provide you with this information.
Good morning,
1. Received, thank you.
2. The acupressure point for low back pain are as follows: UB40, UB56, UB51. For middle and upper back you can use UB43, UB47, UB50.
3. The best thing you can do is contact your acupuncturist because low back pain has 8 differentiations.
4. If you shall have any questions, please feel free to call me at (562) 698-3008.
1. Received, thank you.
2. The acupressure point for low back pain are as follows: UB40, UB56, UB51. For middle and upper back you can use UB43, UB47, UB50.
3. The best thing you can do is contact your acupuncturist because low back pain has 8 differentiations.
4. If you shall have any questions, please feel free to call me at (562) 698-3008.
You can certainly google acupressure points related to pain, such as LI4 *Hegu,* and they can be very helpful in managing pain, but if you want to get at the root cause to mitigate the pain from the source I would always recommend you see a qualified practitioner in your area. In Chinese medicine, there is no single diagnosis for back pain and the beauty of the medicine is that we treat the individual. For best outcomes, see an acupuncturist near you!
Be well,
Be well,
There are many pressure points. It depends on why there is back pain and if it is chronic or acute. Your best option is to visit an acupuncturist. You may need e-stim and even herbs for your condition. With Chinese Medicine, we treat the whole person, not just the symptoms.
it depends on what is causing your back pain. I encourage you to book a session with your practitioner of choice to get help with relief.
There are many points that will help relieve back pain and this is a condition that Acupuncture is successful treating.

Mr. Anthony James Lorenzo
You'd be better off doing yoga or Qi Gong. Or seeing a professional who can review your health history, do tests on you, and diagnose you. The points used are based on that... so I can't answer this. Anyone who does answer this for you without the aforementioned, is practicing BS acupuncture/acupressure. Most importantly, since you are thinking about doing acupuncture, do find a qualified and real acupuncturist! Anything less would be you not really trying this system of healing. Find a fully trained professional in Chinese medicine, possessing a master's degree AND 5+ years experience in this field. Medical Doctors, Osteopaths, Chiropractors, and even Physical Therapists (dry needling) are able to do what looks like acupuncture (but isn't) with a couple weekends of training or less. I would NOT let any of these inadequately trained people NEAR ME. :-)
I don't know what part of your back has pain? It is hard to tell you what pressure points will relieve your back pain. There are many pressure points that can relieve back pain, such as BL 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, etc. I suggest you get an acupuncture textbook to find these points which are near the pain area.