Dr. William J. Belles, MD
Plastic Surgeon
Dr. William Belles is a cosmetic medicine and surgery specialist practicing in Tonawanda, NY. Dr. Belles specializes in the enhancement of appearance. Improving aesthetic, symmetry and proportion are key goals in cosmetic surgery. Cosmetic medicine has nothing to do with these specific areas not functioning properly; therefore, this elective field solely focuses on aesthetics and anti-aging.
38 years
Dr. William Belles, MD
- Tonawanda, NY
- Jefferson Med Coll-Thos Jefferson Univ, Philadelphia Pa
- Accepting new patients
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Does eyelid plastic surgery leave a scar?
All surgery leaves a scar. But not noticeable
How long after rhinoplasty can I wear glasses?
No glasses for 3 weeks
How long after rhinoplasty can I wear makeup?
You can wear makeup the next day
Is a rhinoplasty permanent?
Rhinoplasty changes are permanent
How do you fix scars on your face from plastic surgery?
There are various ways from scar revision to laser resurfacing to dermabrasion
What are the risks of a neck lift?
Scarring and nerve injury nerve injury could leave you with a crooked smile.
What should you avoid before rhinoplasty?
The first thing you need to avoid are blood thinners
Then avoid any sun exposure and exfoliating creams
Then avoid any sun exposure and exfoliating creams
Can you drink coffee after rhinoplasty?
Yes you can drink coffee
Can plastic surgery fix a broken nose?
How long will my nose hurt after rhinoplasty?
Pain is variable but usually 1-2 was