Dentist Questions Dentist

What should you not do before a dental crown?

I am a 27 year old female and I will get a dental crown. What should you not do before a dental crown?

8 Answers

You should not cancel your appointment. You should not have poor oral health prior to your appointment.
Why do you want a crown? Get a gold filling. Don’t have a good tooth cut down. You're only 27? Stay away from dentists that want to sell crowns, implants, and root canal therapy. It will affect your health. Not in a good way.

I would truly need more information to answer this question, but if you "need" a crown, I would assume it's due to cracked tooth syndrome or that you've had a root canal on that tooth on the recent past. I would recommend NOT eating anything hard on that tooth until you see the dentist performing the restorative procedure. Other than that, I can't think of many things "not" to do prior to the appointment.
I hope this helps.

Best Regards,

David P. Babb, DMD, FICOI
It would be nice if you do not chew gum, or any chewy food, such as caramels, because you do not want to contribute to possible additional fracture lines formation, which could make your tooth non-restorable, and not possible to have the crown procedure.
If dental crown is needed to restore your tooth, you must avoid hard food in which can fracture the tooth, keep gums healthy prior to your visit, and follow up your dentist advise prior to your appointment.
For more useful information on dental crowns, click here:
Without not having an appropriate comprehensive Tx. Plan with a previous exam, X-Ray and a Patient Consent, as well as an approval from the Insurance, I will not do any treatment for a crown.
You should follow your dentists advice. Brush and floss normally even a little extra if possible
Nothing important. The only advice I can give you is do not chew gum while you have your temporary.