“What type of surgery is the safest for glaucoma?”
I was diagnosed with glaucoma. What type of surgery is the safest for glaucoma?
4 Answers
Can't answer that without seeing you unfortunately. Most glaucoma is managed with eye drops. Sometimes, surgery is needed to decrease eye pressure.

Jason Randall Smith
There are many types of glaucoma including narrow angle, open angle, steroid induced, normal pressure, angle closure, congenital, pigmentary, and neovascular and the medications and surgical treatment are all different depending upon other vision issues, medications you are taking, medical issues, and age. If you were diagnosed with glaucoma, you should speak with your eye doctor in order to know exactly what type you have and what your treatment options are. Good luck and best wishes.
Depends on type of glaucoma. Of narrow angle glaucoma , then LPI is done . Is open angle glaucoma , then SLT is done . There are many more invasive surgeries for glaucoma also .