Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

When do you notice weight loss after gastric sleeve surgery?

I am a 33 year old female. I want to know when do you notice weight loss after gastric sleeve surgery? I am tired of feeling this way.

5 Answers

If you don't see weight loss following the gastric sleeve surgery then see a bariatrician to help as you might need further treatment to include medications to help. To find one in your area visit:
Most patients lose about 10-15 lbs during the pre-op liquid diet phase, 20-40 lbs the first month after surgery, 10-20 lbs per month for months 2 and 3, and about 5-10 lbs per month after that. These ranges are widely variable depending on your starting weight, activity level, medical problems, etc.

Most people start to feel more energy and less burdened by their weight within about 2-4 weeks after surgery.
This is best answered by a bariatric surgeon and associated dietician. After sleeve surgery, weight loss occurs rapidly. There are many sites and studies that describe what weight loss would be expected (see below). Your bariatric surgeon should have provided you with this information. (I assume you already had sleeve surgery.)
In about 2-4 weeks. Please go to counseling and start taking mood probiotics, brand Stonehenge. You sound a bit depressed. You made need to consult with a psychiatrist eventually. Check your Parathyroid/Thyroid, TIBC/iron panel, Vitamin D level, and Vitamin B12 level. This surgery causes Vitamin B12 deficiency and anemia.
You should see it within a few days of surgery.