“When should I go to the chiropractor for upper back pain?”
I am a 29 year old female. I want to know when should I go to the chiropractor for upper back pain?
6 Answers
Pain is your body's way of telling you that there is something wrong. Many times we ignore those warnings, and the problem persists or worsens. There are multiple reasons for having upper back pain. Sometimes it is musculoskeletal, sometimes it is something else. A good chiropractor should take a thorough history and perform a detailed examination to identify the underlying cause of your health concern. In short, the sooner you seek treatment, the better so that a small problem does not develop into a large problem.
If your pain lasts more than a few days and does not appear to be diminishing you should see a chiropractor. The doctor will evaluate your condition and if appropriate remove nerve pressure by adjusting your spine. Most chiropractors will help alleviate muscle spasms and suggest home care remedies as well.
The sooner you seek help the quicker you will recover.
The sooner you seek help the quicker you will recover.
Well quick and easy answer is you shouldn’t have upper back pain at all at 29 years old so if you do you should see a good qualified Chiropractic physician right away
At the age of 29, you really should not have upper back pain unless you have a history of injury. I would see a Dr. of chiropractic right away. You may have a subluxation, which when corrected can improve your discomfort and you probably need exercises to strengthen your mid back too.
You should go as soon as you get upper back pain because it always gets worse. Without any treatment to your upper back it will be as hard as a rock in the future.