Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

When should I take my child to the doctor for congestion?

My child is 2 year old and has nasal congestion. When should I take my child to the doctor for congestion?

4 Answers

Nasal congestion alone can be treated with saline nose drops, bulb suction, humidifier. Take your child to the doctor if he/she has trouble breathing, high fever, ear pain, significant cough.
2-year-old with just nasal congestion can be treated at home with simple humidifier. You can bring him to the physician if there is any difficulty in breathing or feeding or fever.
Fever severe cough and difficulty in breathing.
Good afternoon,

You should take your child to their doctor if the nasal congestion lasts longer than 10 days or is accompanied by fever over 101.3, significant cough or if the nasal drainage has a bad odor. Over-the-counter oral medications for congestion do not help in young children and can have serious side effects. Using nasal saline drops to rinse out the nose may provide some relief. Vicks vaporub can be used on the chest of children over one year old and in vaporizers for younger kids.