“When to go in?”
Female | 17 years old
Complaint duration: 7 days
22 Answers

Take Care and God Bless.

Best wishes

More information will be needed as to a history of asthma or/and smoking, as both can make cold symptoms much worse and medical intervention will be needed as soon as possibe. The cough is usually a result of the shortness of the breath sometimes and frequently cough would sometimes lead to side and rib pain as the muscles will become exhausted from the frequent coughing; in some old patients, it may lead to fracture in their ribs on occasions.
It would be recommended to see a doctor in case of cold with:
- fever
- sore throat (severely painful)
- shortness of breath and difficulty breathing (with or without cough)
J.A. Brasiel, MD

Sure. You need to see a doctor ASAP. It might be a serious infection that needs antibiotics prescription.
2- waters x-ray to check sinusitis
3-cbc/ blood check
4- if you have productive cough, you need antibiotic
5- antihistamines are useful
6- decongestant
7-warm drinking and soap
List of possible cold complications are broad,but pneumonia must be ruled out first.