Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

Which medicine is the most effective for depression?

I have depression and want to take medications. Which medicine is the most effective for depression?

3 Answers

A good and tough question. All the medications available are good and effective most of the time. However, not every medication is effective for every patient. A given medication may work for one patient but not for another. Some patients may not be able to tolerate a particular medication because of side effects. A thorough psychiatric evaluation is important and can give you a better idea if a given medication could be the right one for you. If you have a trial of a medication and it doesnt work out, dont be discouraged as there are a lot of good, effective medications available for depression. Dr. Seymour
Hello, I cannot prescribe medication but my knowledge from previous studies is to discuss this with your medical doctor. A medical doctor can prescribe this medication. A good resource online to do your own research is or Drugs.Com. You could have drug allergies or food allergies or if you're taking other medications, they could have contraindications which could be dangerous. If you have a doctor, ask these questions and make sure that you both make an informed decision on how to proceed and what type of medication could help. A combination of talk therapy (particularly in person) and medication are the best treatment approach for depression. Respectfully, Nancy Altamar Benson LMFT 114370
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