“Why do I have a fever after my flu shot?”
I get my flu shot every year. I've never gotten a fever from it before until now. What's wrong? Could this just be coincidence?
7 Answers
Yes there is a side effect of having a slight fever from getting the flu shot. You can take some Tylenol to help alleviate your fevers.
Sometimes in rare occasions after flu shot you get low grade fever and some body aches since its is live weak virus, Tylenol should be ok and should be gone in 2 days maximum
Dr Elsoury
Dr Elsoury
It has to be co-incidence with some other infection otherwise Flu shot is not live virus to cause any fever.
Alfredo Saggioro
The flu shot is like a mini disease injected and, if your body wasn't at its best, you can get a mini flu
Alfredo Saggioro
Inviato da iPhone
Alfredo Saggioro
Inviato da iPhone
Maira Jessica Medellin-Peña
Infectious Disease Specialist
It is not a coincidence, your body is reacting to the flu shot. It is a common side effect and it can present after several immunizations. You don't have anything to worry about, but do see your doctor if the fever lasts more than a few days. Common side effects are: soreness, redness, and/or swelling from the shot, headache, fever, nausea, and muscle aches.