Sleep Medicine Specialist Questions Sleep Medicine Specialist

Why do I wake up with my ears hurting?

I am a 22-year-old male. I sleep on my back but always wake up with ear pain. What could cause this?

4 Answers

Ears hurting? If there is a pressure feeling in your ears, it could be related to congestion if you have allergies. Pain can be referred, meaning where we perceive a pain may not be where it is actually coming from. If you grind your teeth during the night, or clench them tightly, you might feel pain that seems like it is coming from the ears. It can be coming from the tempo-mandibular joint (TMJ) also. Does your jaw “click” when you open it or while eating?
I would suggest you ask your dentist if there are signs of teeth grinding. If so, a bite guard may help.
This is not something that is typical with a sleep disorder, rather it is probably something that is occurring during the night for other reasons.
Lying down at night with eustachian tube dysfunction could cause you pain the next morning. That’s why some babies cry more at night. This is an ear disorder, not a sleep disorder.
I would see your primary care and then an Ear, Nose and Throat physician. 
I presume pain is awakening you. If so, this is an ear or a jaw problem, not a sleep problem. TMJ problems could do this and might be worsened by grinding teeth at night. I would start by seeing an ENT doctor.