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Why do my breast hurt?

In the last two weeks, I’ve been experiencing a lot of pain in my breast, I feel it more in my nipples. It hurts more than what I am used to. I don’t know if these are PMS symptoms. I have irregular periods probably because I’m still young. My breasts aren’t swollen or tender but my nipples just hurt so much and they look a little darker. I have pain going into my armpit. The thing is I was last sexually active in July. I got my period in August and in September. It was not spotting. I had a normal heavy flow and went through maybe 3-4 pads a day which I believe is a period.

Female | 20 years old
Medications: Currently taking famotidine 20mg.

4 Answers

It may be just a hormonal effect. You can apply vitamin E ointment or take vitamin D tablet 400 mg 3 times a day. Tight breast support. Avoid coffee/tea/spicy/oily food.
Just do a pregnancy test, then we can talk…
It may be doe to go to fibrocystoc. changes in the breast. An exam is always good. Make sure you are not pregnant. Cut back on caffeine & consider vit E 200mg a day. Have your physician check you if this continues
You may have a condition called mastodynia which means painful breasts, sometimes this can fluctuate through the menstrual cycle, sometimes caffeine intake can worsen it. It is important to start with a visit with your doctor for an exam to make sure nothing else is causing the pain.